Common Sense Compilation 275-299


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Publish date: Sat, 24 May 2014
Duration:1:18:03 minutes – 56.87mb

Description: The worst nightmare of the global Establishment isn’t Islamic terrorism, it’s critical mass levels of domestic dissent. If that’s your worst worry, wouldn’t you use every tool you had to forestall it? Dan thinks they are.

Show Notes:

1. “The Six Principles of the New Populism (and the Establishment’s Nightmare)”by Robert Reich, May 6, 2014
2. “Sen. Warren’s Floor Speech in Opposition to Michael Froman’s Nomination for U.S. Trade Representative” (Text of speech on the Senate Floor).
3. “Glenn Greenwald: from Martin Luther King to Anonymous, the state targets dissenters not just “bad guys” “by Glenn Greenwald for The Guardian Newspaper, May 12, 2014.

Publish date: Sun, 08 Jun 2014

Description: Imagine celebrities from the 1960s and 1970s who were involved in sexual conduct with minors in their heyday being called to account for it today. It’s currently happening in Great Britain. Dan has some thoughts.

Show Notes: 1. “British Stars of Yesteryear Are Ensnared in Sexual Offenses Inquiry” by Sarah Lyall for The New York Times, May 1, 2013.
2. “Teaching History Outside the Box” by Dan Carlin for Edutopia, June 3, 2014.

Publish date: Tue, 24 Jun 2014

Description: The Middle East seems to be imploding. Dan thinks this is likely all part of a natural process of redrawing artificial borders and re-balancing power relationships. But that doesn’t mean it’s going to be fun to live through.

Show Notes:

Publish date: Wed, 09 Jul 2014

Description: Dan Talks to Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks, gets his view on current events, discusses his Wolf-Pac reform idea and probes his thoughts on the future of media.

Show Notes:

 1. The Young Turks Network
2. Wolf Pac

Publish date: Wed, 20 Aug 2014

Description: A police shooting in Missouri sparks unrest, and the paramilitary response is making headlines. Also, Islamic radicals in Iraq threaten the lives of many locals, how should the world respond?

Show Notes:

Publish date: Tue, 28 May 2013

Description: As usual, no rainbows or unicorns in this episode. Instead it’s a very harsh search for context that motivates Dan to discuss issues he’s already discussed recently. But what’s more important than ISIS and Ukraine?

Show Notes: 1. “Media Should Be Challenging Arguments for War, Not Baying for Blood”
Dan Froomkin for The Intercept, September 5, 2014.

Publish date: Mon, 10 Jun 2013

Description: In this show Dan deals with the question of political and ideological culture wars on the teaching of history in K-12 education.

Show Notes:

1.“Denver-area students walk out to protest history education plan they view as censorship” by Matthew Staver for The New York Times (and Associated Press). September 23, 
2.Edutopia Article Link
3.Edutopia Audio Link
4.Organization of American Historians

Publish date: Mon, 13 Oct 2014

Description: Maybe it’s the cold medicine, but Dan is in one of his Unify the Electorate moods. He ties a lot into it too. The Internet, Romans, Greeks, Cocaine, corruption and an unvarnished view of reality all play a part. But the cold medicine’s there too.

Show Notes:

Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress–and a Plan to Stop It by Lawrence Lessig

Publish date: Thu, 29 Oct 2014

Description: This show has something to interest everyone. That is, as long as you are interested in Ebola or Artificial Intelligence. But who isn’t?

Show Notes:

1. “Doing Today’s Work Superbly Well — Treating Ebola with Current Tools” by François Lamontagne, M.D., Christophe Clément, M.D., Thomas Fletcher, M.R.C.P., Shevin T. Jacob, M.D., M.P.H., William A. Fischer, II, M.D., and Robert A. Fowler, M.D.C.M., M.S.(Epi) for the New England Journal of Medicine, October 23, 2014

1. “Stephen Hawking: ‘Transcendence looks at the implications of artificial intelligence – but are we taking AI seriously enough?” STEPHEN HAWKING , STUART RUSSELL , MAX TEGMARK , FRANK WILCZEK for the Independent, May 1 2014

Publish date: Tue, 18 Nov 2014

Description: Too many things are going on for Dan to keep up. Midterm elections, Mexican violence, survivalist snipers and Taylor Swift’s compensation for artists campaign overload this episode.

Show Notes:

1. “Police: Frein saw corporal’s slaying as political ‘assassination’” by Ben Finley for The Philadelphia Inquirer, November 13, 2014

1. “’Enough, I’m tired’ comment rallies Mexico protest” by Maria Verza for the Associated Press, November 2014

Publish date: Sat, 13 Dec 2014

Description: Was torture an effective tool in the War on Terror? As legislators in Washington debate the point, Dan stands up for timeless American values. Also: New deadly police encounters spawn more Ferguson-style protests.

Show Notes:

Publish date: Tue, 13 Jan 2015

Description: Terrorists kill employees of a French magazine for perceived offenses against Islam. The attack highlights a clash of cultures over the limits of Free Expression. Dan examines the motivations and responses involved.

Show Notes: 

1. “With Power of Social Media Growing, Police Now Monitoring And Criminalizing Online Speech” by Glenn Greenwald for The Intercept, January, 6, 2015

2. “The Beginning Of An Islamic Reformation?” IBD Editorial (hence no writer byline), January 5, 2015

3. “Use of torture feeds Islamic State’s narrative” by Ajit Maan for the Eugene Register-Guard, January 8, 2015

Publish date: Sat, 31 Jan 2015

Description: The subject of Income Inequality is shaping up to be a major political issue in the 2016 Presidential campaign. Dan has a few thoughts on the subject along with a ton of questions.

Show Notes: 

1. “Republicans united against Obama but cannot agree on income inequality” by Jon Swaine for the (U.S. edition) Guardian Newspaper, January 26, 2015

2. “Guess who’s discovered income inequality” by Danny Westneat for The Seattle Times, January 23, 2015

3. “How to Distort Income Inequality” by Phil Gramm and Michael Solon for The Wall Street Journal, November 11, 2014

4. “Billionaire Greene Bets on U.S. While Bemoaning Jobs” by Matthew G. Miller for Bloomberg News, January 23, 2015

5. “President Obama’s 2015 State of the Union” address (January 20th, 2015)

6. “Millionaires Are Also Worried About Rising Income Inequality” by NBC News, January 27, 2015

7. “Twin Peaks Planet” by Paul Krugman for The New York Times, January 1, 2015

Publish date: Fri, 20 Feb 2015

Description: World tensions spike as the situation in Ukraine seems capable of boiling over into a larger conflict between Russia and the West. Dan blames hubris and political short-sightedness

Show Notes:

1. “Russia Boosts Arms, Training for Leftist Latin Militaries” by Bill Gertz for the Associate Press, Feb 20th, 2015.

2. “Ukraine crisis: House of Lords criticizes EU and Britain for ‘sleepwalking into crisis’ as Moscow and NATO remain on diplomatic collision course” By Kim Sengupta for The (UK) Independent, Feb 19th, 2015

3. “Russian tensions could escalate into all-out war, says NATO general” by Ben Farmer for The (UK) Telegraph, Feb 20th, 2015.

4. “UK and EU ‘badly misread’ Russia” by BBC, February, 20, 2015

Publish date: Mon, 09 Mar 2015

Description: Dan has a couple of issues he’s been meaning to get to…a bit about guns, a bit about Marijuana, a bit about everyone’s Intolerable Oppression limits. He offers a bit of popcorn analysis on all of them.

Show Notes:

1.“Top Rabbi Renews Call to Arm European Jews” by Catherine Phillips February 16, 2015

2. “Nebraska, Oklahoma File Federal Suit Against Colorado Over Marijuana
Legalization”by Matt Ferner for The Huffington Post, December 18, 2014.

3. “Forgetting Federalism, Oklahoma And Nebraska Demand That Colorado Ban Marijuana” by Jacob Sullum for Reason Magazine, January 9, 2015

4. “Sheriffs sue Colorado over legal marijuana” by Trevor Hughes for The
USA Today, March 5, 2015.

4. “Ron Paul: ‘Good News’ That Secession Is Happening” by Andrew Kaczynski for Buzzfeed, February 19th, 2015

Publish date: Sat, 28 Mar 2015

Description: The ideas of secrecy, democracy, special interests and international trade deals are interwoven into this episode that uses the negotiations over two
upcoming international trade agreements to highlight current trends.

Show Notes: 

1.“Outcry Follows Leak of Secret Trade Negotiations” by Forbes Magazine, November 14, 2013

2. “Trans-Pacific Partnership Seen as Door for Foreign Suits Against
U.S.”by Jonathan Weisman for The New York Times, March 25, 2015

3. “ ‘Incomprehensible’ Secrecy: U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders Demands
Release of Corporate-Friendly Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement Text” by Deirdre Fulton for Global Research, January 6, 2015

4. Text of the letter sent from Sen. Elizabeth Warren to Assistant of
the President Michael Froman:.

5. “The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership” by John Hilary

6. “John Hilary: Proposed TTIP Agreement Is Profoundly Undemocratic” by Michael Nevredakas for Truth-Out, March 18, 2015

7. “Upset By Elizabeth Warren, U.S. Banks Debate Halting Some Campaign Donations” by Emily Flitter, March 27, 2015

8. “Adding independent voices to the debate” by Jonathan Easley for “The Hill”, March 17, 2015

Publish date: Sat, 16 May 2015

Description: Recorded to the soothing background sounds of jackhammers, this show talks about the electorate’s collective memory with a bit about riots and partisan self-image thrown in for variety’s sake.

Show Notes:

Publish date: Fri, 05 Jun 2015

Description: Dan has talked in the past about funding drives to get reformers elected, but this show explores a more “if you can’t beat them, join them” approach to achieving public policy goals in a money-dominated system.

Show Notes: 

Publish date: Fri, 26 Jun 2015

Description: Dan has an in-depth discussion with author, neuroscientist, philosopher and podcaster Sam Harris about terrorism, violence, Islam, morality in foreign policy and a whole lot of other things.

Show Notes:

Publish date: Mon, 13 Jul 2015

Description: Experts have said that we are heading towards a future where privacy is dead. Do humans have any say in the matter? Dan talks encryption, personal security vs collective security, and dreams he has.

Show Notes:

1. “Hacking Team breach focuses attention on merchants of spyware” by Jaikumar Vijayan for The Christian Science Monitor, July 8, 2015

2. “FBI chief warns encryption emboldens would-be Islamic State attackers” By Lindsay Dunsmuir for Reuters, July 8, 2015

3. “FBI and DOJ Target New Enemy In Crypto Wars: Apple and Googley” by Jenna McLaughlin for The Intercept, July 8, 2015

Publish date: Fri, 07 Aug 2015

Description: Dan puts on his pundit hat to analyze the first GOP televised debate. Not surprisingly, while he’s no fan of Donald Trump, he finds reasons to be glad there’s a political outsider in the race.

Show Notes: 

Publish date: Thu, 24 Sep 2015

Description: Dan tries to break down some of the issues and add some context to the arguments, nuances and complexities of the current immigration and refugee situation in Europe and the U.S.

Show Notes:

Publish date: Sun, Oct 18 2015

Description: An audio playback glitch results in Dan not being able to work on the overdue Hardcore History show. This effort is what got completed instead. Syria, Russia and the Democratic Presidential Primary debates are discussed.

Show Notes: 

1. “The United States’ surprise allies in Syria” by David Ignatius for The Washington Post, Oct 15, 2015

Publish date: Sat, Nov 14 2015

Description: What began as a show speculating about speeding up the pace of technological discoveries morphed into a conversation about effective responses to the November 13th 2015 terror attacks in Paris.

Show Notes:

1. We Need an Energy Miracle” by James Bennet for The Atlantic Magazine, November 2015

Publish date: Fri, 04 Apr 2014

Description: The Supreme Court says trading campaign contributions for political influence isn’t a bug in the U.S. system, it’s a feature. Dan weighs in on the ramifications of such a decision. Also, Cuban Twitter isn’t so Cuban.

Show Notes:

1. Text of Supreme Court decisionMcCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission
2. “US defends ‘Cuban Twitter’ creation” by Desmond Butler, Jack Gillum and Alberto Arce for the Associated Press, April 3, 2014.

Publish date: Sat, Dec 9 2015

Description: A mass shooting in California is tied to an American-born Muslim. Can any defense prevent homegrown terror while leaving our rights intact?

Show Notes: 


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